PROJECT MANAGEMENT TIPS (what I learned today)

PROJECT MANAGEMENT TIPS (what I learned today)

You’ve got to be very careful if you don’t know where you are going because you might not get there! Yogi Berra

I think a basic understanding of project management is a must-have for everyone, as developers, Project managers, and business managers it helps you in decision making, accountability, risk management and makes you result Oriented, also project here can include building a house, starting a business no matter how small and sometimes side projects too, I think this tips will help developers lessen the number of unfinished and abandoned projects.


A project is a temporary endeavor that has a purpose, a specific and unique goal, and a budget. A project is temporary because it doesn't go on forever, it has a start and end date, the specific and unique goal is the result the project should produce and the budget is the money and resources allocated to the project.


Project management means applying knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to achieve your project objectives, below are questions you need to answer before starting a project :

  1. What Problem are you solving? This question helps you identify your problem statement and the goal of the project, answering the question keeps your focus and gives you a sense of direction as Clearly defining what a project should accomplish is a big step to making it a success.

  2. How are you going to solve the problem? This is the part where you decide an appropriate approach and strategies to delivering also writing out your solutions.

  3. What is your plan?Planning is an important part of a project, this is where you identify the work to done in details, how long it will take, the resources you need, and their cost, the work process, and schedules

  4. How will you know when you are done? You need to set quantifiable and measurable results also known as success criteria that show the project is complete.
  5. How well did the project go? You can get feedback and reviews to know how well the project went and how it could be better.

    Finally, One thing I've learned soo far from this journey call life is that learning never ends, to remain relevant in life, one has to continue learning, improving, and seeking more knowledge in any sphere of life we find ourselves, thanks to the different skills learning platform available today the likes of Pluralsight and Linkedin where I'm currently taking my project management course with Bonnie Blafore as my instructor, this is the link to the full course Here also a big thank you to #HashnodeBootcamp for making me share. Have a nice read.